5 Month Online Short Certificate Course
Alhamdulillah another Ta'meer Online Short course (TOI-47)
Global On-line E-Certificate Course (No Physical Certificate)
28th May till October, 2024
طھارۃ الایمان
Purity of Belief – ایمان کا پاک ہونا
In-Depth Study of Surah Al Baqarah
From Ayah 25 to 26
Theme of the course
“Firm the belief of the believer”
Start moving in life from compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity.

Course Outline & Details:
- In-depth explanation of Qur’anic text in the light of classical tafsir from various authentic sources.
- We will start from Ayah 25 and cover till Ayah 26 in 5 months time. (without rushing)
- Main syllabus of the course is from Tafseer At-Tabri, Tafseer Al-Baghawi, Tafseer Ibn-A’tiya, Tareekh Ibn-Kaseer, Al-Kamil fil Tareekh, Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah & Tafseer Ibn-Rajab.
- البداية والنهاية ، الكامل في التاريخ ، تاریخ ابن کثیر
- تفسیر ابن عطیہ ، تفسیر البغوی ، تفسیر الطبری، تفسیر ابن رجب
Starting: From May 28, 2024 till October 2024, Last date for registration is May 19, 2024
Course Days: Every Wednesday. Once a week only.
Language of instruction: Primarily Urdu (course is bilingual)
Course work: Comprising of 20 Sessions with 2 assignments.
Course will be based on recorded audio lectures. Students can listen to these at their convenience before the next class. Weekly lectures will be uploaded every Wednesday
Course Investment: 8,000 PKR for local Students and 8,500 PKR for International students the complete course (Fee is non-refundable)
Registration Method & Important Points:
- Fill the online Registration Form.
- Deposit Course Fee. The fee must be deposited in Ta’meer Online Institute’s account before last date. Details are provided on Online Registration form.
- Note: Fees are acceptable via bank deposit, online transfer, Easy paisa, Mobicash/JazzCash and other methods which allow direct deposit in the bank account.
- Fill another Form available on the Registration page to share deposit slip/ transaction receipt with your name, valid Whatsapp number (with country code) and a copy of your CNIC/NICOP (both sides). Make sure the File size is small, anything above 1MB will not let you submit the form.
- Your registration will be confirmed before the commencement of the course, it might take us few days to process your request.
- The fee is non-refundable, and can not be switched to any other course.
- Fee must be deposited only in Ta’meer Online Institute account. We are not responsible for depositing in incorrect account or otherwise. Bank account details are on the admission form.
- Depositing fee after due date will be considered gift only.
- Last date of admission: 19th May 2024 (10th to 19th May, 2024)
- If the above terms and conditions are acceptable then kindly complete all steps of admission.
For queries only WhatsApp on: +92 342 824 7021
Online Course: Requirements & Policy
Registration Requirement:
- The course is offered for serious minded women only.
- Ta’meer does not offer self paced courses, so kindly join only if you can follow our pace and honour commitments.
- Students must be able to read and reply to messages in English.
- Join only if you can commit on our pace. (No extra time will be given)
- All audios will be shared via Google drive.
- Results will be shared via Email only.
- Students must:
- have their own email account, Whatsapp Numbers
- know how to use email, Google drive, and Google Forms
- listen each lecture completely and make her own notes
- not share notes with any outsider nor with course mates (its amanah)
- write notes and submit assignments on time. (This course is not only to be heard.)
Otherwise students may be asked to leave the course.
- Institute administration has all the rights to remove student from the course upon not fulfilling requirements.
- Students must pass assignments with minimum 85%.
- Registering in the course will be a commitment from your end so please
join with responsibility.If you don’t agree with all above, then please do not join this course.
اگر اوپرلکھے ہوۓ کام آپ نہیں کر سکتیں تو پلیز براۓ مہربانی کورس
- Course Administration has all the right to remove those students who do not submit assessment on time.
- Note: Our certificate courses are paid. For free content, you can connect with us on the following platforms:
– Officials whatsapp (Sacred Drops)
– Official YouTube Channel
– Facebook live sessions
– Audios posted on www.tameer.info and www.aiashaamir.com
Note : All audios are amanah and you will not forward audios to any one and not do course on copying these lectures